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Michael Stapelberg

systemd: enable indefinite service restarts (2024)

published 2024-01-17
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When a service fails to start up enough times in a row, systemd gives up on it.

On servers, this isn’t what I want — in general it’s helpful for automated recovery if daemons are restarted indefinitely. As long as you don’t have circular dependencies between services, all your services will eventually come up after transient failures, without having to specify dependencies.

This is particularly useful because specifying dependencies on the systemd level introduces footguns: when interactively stopping individual services, systemd also stops the dependents. And then you need to remember to restart the dependent services later, which is easy to forget.

Enabling indefinite restarts for a service

To make systemd restart a service indefinitely, I first like to create a drop-in config file like so:

cat > /etc/systemd/system/restart-drop-in.conf <<'EOT'


Then, I can enable the restart behavior for individual services like prometheus-node-exporter, without having to modify their .service files (which needs manual effort when updating):

cd /etc/systemd/system
mkdir prometheus-node-exporter.service.d
cd prometheus-node-exporter.service.d
ln -s ../restart-drop-in.conf
systemctl daemon-reload

Changing the defaults for all services

If most of your services set Restart=always or Restart=on-failure, you can change the system-wide defaults for RestartSec and StartLimitIntervalSec like so:

mkdir /etc/systemd/system.conf.d
cat > /etc/systemd/system.conf.d/restartdefaults.conf <<'EOT'
systemctl daemon-reload

What do the default settings do?

So why do we need to change these settings to begin with?

The default systemd settings (as of systemd 255) are:


This means that services which specify Restart=always are restarted 100ms after they crash, and if the service crashes more than 5 times in 10 seconds, systemd does not attempt to restart the service anymore.

It’s easy to see that for a service which takes, say, 100ms to crash, for example because it can’t bind on its listening IP address, this means:

time event
T+0 first start
T+100ms first crash
T+200ms second start
T+300ms second crash
T+400ms third start
T+500ms third crash
T+600ms fourth start
T+700ms fourth crash
T+800ms fifth start
T+900ms fifth crash within 10s
T+1s systemd gives up

Why does systemd give up by default?

I’m not sure. If I had to speculate, I would guess the developers wanted to prevent laptops running out of battery too quickly because one CPU core is permanently busy just restarting some service that’s crashing in a tight loop.

That same goal could be achieved with a more relaxed DefaultRestartSec= value, though: With DefaultRestartSec=5s, for example, we would sufficiently space out these crashes over time.

There is some recent discussion upstream regarding changing the default. Let’s see where the discussion goes.

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