For many years, I was only a casual user of rsync and used it mostly for one-off file transfers.
Over time, I found rsync useful in more and more cases, and would recommend every computer user put this great tool into their toolbox 🛠 🧰 !
I’m publishing a series of blog posts about rsync:
- rsync, article 1: Scenarios. To motivate why it makes sense to look at rsync, I present three scenarios for which I have come to appreciate rsync: DokuWiki transfers, Software deployment and Backups.
- rsync, article 2: Surroundings. Now that we know what to use rsync for, how can we best integrate rsync into monitoring and alerting, and on which operating systems does it work?
- rsync, article 3: How does rsync work?. With rsync up and running, it’s time to take a peek under the hood of rsync to better understand how it works.
- rsync, article 4: My own rsync implementation (To be published.)
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