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Michael Stapelberg

a new distri linux (fast package management) release (2020)

published 2020-05-16
in tags distri debian
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I just released a new version of distri.

The focus of this release lies on:

  • a better developer experience, allowing users to debug any installed package without extra setup steps

  • performance improvements in all areas (starting programs, building distri packages, generating distri images)

  • better tooling for keeping track of upstream versions

See the release notes for more details.

The distri research linux distribution project was started in 2019 to research whether a few architectural changes could enable drastically faster package management.

While the package managers in common Linux distributions (e.g. apt, dnf, …) top out at data rates of only a few MB/s, distri effortlessly saturates 1 Gbit, 10 Gbit and even 40 Gbit connections, resulting in fast installation and update speeds.

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