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Michael Stapelberg

Docker and IPv6 (2018)

published 2018-12-12
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My use-case is seemingly very simple: I want to run a webserver in a Docker container, and it should be reachable via IPv4 and IPv6. The webserver has multiple virtual hosts, some of which just serve static files, while others proxy to, say, a Grafana instance, which is also running in a Docker container.

This article walks through the required steps, which are a bit cumbersome to puzzle together from Docker’s official documentation.

I’m using documentation-only IPs (RFC3849 and RFC5737) throughout the article. Let’s say that my provider gives me a routed IPv6 subnet 2001:db8:13b:330::/64 and the IPv4 address

Enabling IPv6 in Docker

The Docker daemon defaults to IPv4-only. To enable IPv6, create the configuration file /etc/docker/daemon.json with the following content:

  "ipv6": true,
  "fixed-cidr-v6": "2001:db8:13b:330:ffff::/80"

After restarting the Docker daemon, containers will now get IPv6 addresses based on their MAC address, which is picked sequentially from the range 02:42:ac:11:00:00 to 02:42:ac:11:ff:ff. That is, the first container you start will use the IPv6 address 2001:db8:13b:330:ffff:0242:ac11:0002.

Publishing ports and remote addresses

When publishing port 80 of a webserver, notice the remote address when accessing the port via IPv4 and IPv6:

% docker run -p 80:80 nginx - - [12/Dec/2018:07:38:19 +0000] "GET / HTTP/1.1" 200 612 - - [12/Dec/2018:07:38:40 +0000] "GET / HTTP/1.1" 200 612

The first request (IPv4) has the correct remote address, but not the second one (IPv6). This is because Docker publishes ports with NAT for IPv4, and a TCP proxy for IPv6.

Of course, not having access to the actual remote address breaks rate limiting, abuse blocking, address-based geo location, etc.

Some people resort to using Docker’s host network option, but that’s not a good solution: your container will not be able to talk to other containers by name anymore, so you will need lots of static, host-specific configuration.

A better solution is to only publish the port via IPv4 and connect to the container’s IPv6 address directly:

% docker run --publish --name nginx nginx

You can obtain the container’s IPv6 address using:

% docker inspect -f '{{.NetworkSettings.GlobalIPv6Address}}' nginx

Static IPv6 addresses

Above, I explained that we need to use the container’s IPv6 address directly, and that the address is derived from the MAC address, which is chosen sequentially at container start time.

Having addresses depend on the order in which containers come up isn’t a robust solution for my simple setup, where I want to statically configure a DNS record.

Docker allows specifying an IPv6 address, but only when you’re using a user-defined bridge network with an IPv6 subnet carved out for the network, like so:

% docker network create --subnet 2001:db8:13b:330:dd::/80 --ipv6 nginx

% docker run \
  --network nginx \
  --ip6 2001:db8:13b:330:dd:ff::1 \
  --publish \

Note that I’m using an IPv6 address from the far end of the address space (ff::1), so as to not conflict with the addresses that Docker sequentially allocates from the network we created.

Now, create a DNS record with the container’s addresses and you’ll be able to access it via IPv4 and IPv6 with correct remote addresses, while still being able to reach other containers: A AAAA 2001:db8:13b:330:dd:ff::1

Note that all other Docker containers that you want to reach from the nginx container must also use the nginx network. This is the recommended solution over the old --link flag anyway.

One disadvantage of this solution is that you cannot offer services from multiple Docker containers on the same IPv6 address (e.g. www and git).

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