Modern desktop environments like GNOME offer UI for this, but if you’re using a more bare-bones window manager, you’re on your own. This article outlines how to get a login page opened in your browser when you’re behind a portal.
If your distribution does not automatically enable it (Fedora does, Debian doesn’t), you’ll first need to enable connectivity checking in NetworkManager:
# sudo apt install network-manager-config-connectivity-debian
Then, add a dispatcher hook which will open a browser when NetworkManager detects you’re behind a portal. Note that the username must be hard-coded because the hook runs as root, so this hook will not work as-is on multi-user systems. The URL I’m using is an always-http URL, also used by Android (I expect it to be somewhat stable). Portals will redirect you to their login page when you open this URL.
# cat > /etc/NetworkManager/dispatcher.d/99portal <<EOT #!/bin/bash [ "$CONNECTIVITY_STATE" = "PORTAL" ] || exit 0 USER=michael USERHOME=$(eval echo "~$USER") export XAUTHORITY="$USERHOME/.Xauthority" export DISPLAY=":0" su $USER -c "x-www-browser" EOT
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