A couple of times now, I’ve had problems with my server. The earliest one was when a hard disk drive died. Then memory went bad and had to be replaced. Another example was when a power supply of another machine died and took out the whole rack. What all of these incidents have in common: after finding my machine unreachable, I would have loved to be able to look at a logfile that would give me a clue about what just happened. Most of the times, the relevant kernel oopses/panics were not persisted to the syslog.
Therefore, it seems like a good idea to set up netconsole and remote syslog, so that the server logs to another server. Of course, the other server should not be located right next to it, but maybe even in a different data center. It seems like a good idea to have an “I log your stuff, you log my stuff“ deal with a friend who also owns a server.
This article walks you through setting up rsyslog
on the receiver
(my friend’s server) and netconsole on the sender (my server).
Configuring rsyslog on the receiver
First, install rsyslog
in case you haven’t installed it yet. This
article was tested with rsyslog 7.4.2-1. Given that rsyslog is migrating to a
newer configuration file format, the rsyslog configuration might need a few
simple changes in the future. We also need the acl
package that
contains the setfacl
apt-get install acl rsyslog
We will use file system ACLs (Access Control Lists) to make sure that the
unprivileged user has read access to the logfiles. This is necessary because
rsyslog will create new files (when rotating) and cannot be told to use a
specific owner/group on a per-file basis. If you have not mounted your
filesystem with the “acl” option already, edit /etc/fstab
remount the filesystem on which /var/log is stored:
# add the “acl” mount option to /etc/fstab vi /etc/fstab mount -o remount,acl /
Let’s set up a couple of variables first to make the following commands easier to understand:
Now let’s create a directory for each log target (so that you can have
different ACLs), give it the permissions that rsyslog will use later and set up
the ACL. With the setfacl
command, the user $UNPRIVUSER will have
access to the directory and all files created in that directory:
mkdir -p /var/log/remote/$LOGNAME chown -R root.adm /var/log/remote setfacl -m d:user:${UNPRIVUSER}:r /var/log/remote/$LOGNAME
Since rsyslog does not listen for syslog on a remotely reachable UDP port by default, let’s create a config file that enables remote listening and also only stores logfiles from IP addresses that we care about persistently in the corresponding file:
cat >/etc/rsyslog.d/zkj-remote.conf <<EOT \$ModLoad imudp \$RuleSet remote # For each IP address that you want to store logs from, # add and modify the following two (!) lines: if \$fromhost-ip=='$LOGIP' then /var/log/remote/$LOGNAME/console.log & stop \$InputUDPServerBindRuleset remote \$UDPServerRun 6666 \$RuleSet RSYSLOG_DefaultRuleset EOT
To prevent this logfile from filling up the server’s hard disk, we configure logrotate accordingly:
cat >/etc/logrotate.d/zkj-remote <<'EOT' /var/log/remote/*/*.log { copytruncate rotate 30 daily missingok dateext notifempty delaycompress compress maxage 31 postrotate invoke-rc.d rsyslog reload > /dev/null endscript } EOT
Now restart rsyslog
and make sure port 6666/udp is not blocked in
your packet filter, if any.
Configuring netconsole on the sender
Given that the machine you are sending data from is most likely currently running, let’s focus on getting netconsole working on a running Linux box first and make it persistent later.
Let’s start with loading the necessary kernel modules, mounting the pseudo-filesystem configfs and creating a directory for this netconsole target:
modprobe configfs modprobe netconsole mount none -t configfs /sys/kernel/config mkdir /sys/kernel/config/netconsole/target1 cd /sys/kernel/config/netconsole/target1
Since netconsole needs to work in as many situations as possible (think of kernel bugs), it does not do DNS or even ARP resolution, so we need to hardcode the IP and MAC addresses we want to use. Note that if you are logging to a server which is not in the same subnet as yours, you’ll need to specify the MAC address of the gateway. You can get the MAC address of your gateway using these commands:
GATEWAY=$(ip -4 -o route get | cut -f 3 -d ' ') MAC=$(ip -4 neigh show $GATEWAY | cut -f 5 -d ' ')
So, let’s save the parameters and enable logging:
echo > remote_ip echo > local_ip echo $MAC > remote_mac echo 1 > enabled
The kernel will print the configuration, so you can verify that everything was
configured okay using dmesg | tail -20
Before we test whether the setup works, we need to increase the kernel log level, which is too low by default. By setting it to 7 (debug), we log everything:
echo 7 > /proc/sys/kernel/printk
That’s it! To trigger a kernel log message you can use either of these (or both):
echo 'Hello from the sender' > /dev/kmsg # Dump memory stats (no side effects) echo m > /proc/sysrq-trigger
You should now see messages in the log file on the receiver.
Making the netconsole settings persistent
Ideally, we want to have early boot in the logfile, so the best way of
persisting these settings is to add them to the kernel command line in
GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="init=/bin/systemd panic=10 loglevel=7 \ netconsole=6665@,6666@"
Don’t forget to run update-grub
to write these changes to
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