This short article describes the most important productivity enhancement for working in a shell (zsh) in the last few months for me: A shortcut for completing the most recent files.
In my daily work, it often happens that I save an email attachment (or download a file from the internet) and then do something with it in a shell, like unpacking it, applying a patch to source code, and so on.
While I do have an alias to execute ls -hltr
which shows me the
most recently modified files, it is much more convenient to just tab-complete
the most recent file.
Based on Feh’s zsh configuration, I added the following statements to my zshrc:
# 'ctrl-x r' will complete the 12 last modified (mtime) files/directories zle -C newest-files complete-word _generic bindkey '^Xr' newest-files zstyle ':completion:newest-files:*' completer _files zstyle ':completion:newest-files:*' file-patterns '*~.*(omN[1,12])' zstyle ':completion:newest-files:*' menu select yes zstyle ':completion:newest-files:*' sort false zstyle ':completion:newest-files:*' matcher-list 'b:=*' # important
Now, being in /tmp
and launching vi
, when I press
Control+x followed by r, this is what I get:

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